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Terms and Conditions

Please carefully read the following terms and conditions before installing our app and/or using our service.

Hobart Taxi Cabs is your contractual party, and it is responsible for providing you with the services, applications, and websites (Hobart Taxi Cabs, we, our).

Hobart Taxi Cabs is a commercial passenger car booking service that allows you to book a vehicle using an application that we provide on our website. Hobart Taxi Cabs matches you with drivers who will pick you up and transport you to your destination. You may use the app to track the driver’s whereabouts and handle other features. “Service” refers to all services offered to you as a result of your usage of the application and/or website.

Hobart Taxi Cabs makes it easier to organize and manage transport arrangements between you and drivers. By utilizing our services, you acknowledge that Hobart Taxi Cabs is not providing transportation services to you and that you accept that Hobart Taxi Cabs is not responsible or liable for any transportation services provided to you by drivers.

Ordinary telephone lines can also be used to access services.

Our website has further information about us.

Terms And Conditions in General

By registering on our website or app, you agree to the validity of these terms and conditions. Without express approval of these terms and conditions, neither registration nor usage of the full range of services will be available.

At any moment, we retain the right to change these terms and conditions. Your continued use of our services is contingent on your acceptance of the revised terms and conditions. Continued use of the services after any modifications to this agreement have been posted implies acceptance of such changes. It is your duty to review this agreement for updates on a regular basis. Hobart Taxi Cabs may offer news services and/or features through the services in the future. Any new features or services will be subject to these terms and conditions.

Your understanding with us

By using our services, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. You must first register with us before you can use our services. You must give us your personal information while signing up. Upon successful completion of your registration with us, we will create a personal account for you, which you will be able to access using a password of your choosing. You’ll also need to provide us with your payment card information.

Policies regarding cancellation and refund

Time before Journey Cancellation charges % of Fare Refund amount % of Fare
Up to 2hrs 100% 0
Up to 12hrs 50% 50%
Up to 24hrs 35% 65%


Our services are completely free to use. We retain the right to charge a fee for using our services in the future. If we decide to charge such a fee, we will notify you and provide you with the option to continue or stop using our services.

To verify that your credit card (or whatever payment method you use) is open and in good standing, we may authorise a temporary charge of up to $1.00 on your credit card (or whatever payment method you use). This charge will show up as “pending” and will be erased after it has been verified.

We will bill you for the services rendered by the drivers on behalf of the company. You agree to pay for all services, and you authorise us to charge your credit card for the services (including any taxes and late fees, if applicable) that may be incurred by or in connection with your account. You are responsible for paying all fees on time and supplying us with a valid credit card to pay for all costs at all times.

The metered fare, as well as any tolls, taxes, or extras that may apply to your journey, will be added to your bill. In New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia, the Australian Capital Territory, and Tasmania, you agree to pay an extra 5% service charge. This fee will be added to your fare at the conclusion of your journey.

This paragraph applies if we utilise a third-party payment processor (the “Payment Processor”) to link your credit card account to the Service. In addition to these terms and conditions, the payment processor and your credit card issuer’s terms and conditions will apply to the processing of payments or credits in conjunction with your use of the service. We are not liable for any payment processing mistakes. We will collect some transaction information as a result of your use of the services, which we will use strictly in line with our Privacy and Cookie Notice.

Links to other websites

There may be links to other websites on the Hobart Taxi Cabs (“Linked Sites”). Hobart Taxi Cabs is not responsible for the contents of any connected site, including without limitation, any link contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to a linked site. Any webcasting or other kind of communication received from a connected site is not the responsibility of Hobart Taxi Cabs. Hobart Taxi Cabs is providing these links to you as a courtesy, and the presence of any link does not mean that Hobart Taxi Cabs endorses the site or has any affiliation with its owners.

Please be aware that these other websites may transmit their own cookies, collect data, or solicit personal information from users, so you should read their terms of service or privacy policies before using them.

Links to other websites

Bulletin board services, chat sections, news groups, forums, communities, personal web pages, calendars, and/or other messaging or communication facilities may be available through the Services, allowing you to engage with the general public or with a group (collectively, “communication services”). You agree to use the communication services solely to send, receive, and upload messages and materials that are appropriate and connected to the communication service in question. You undertake not to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others when using a communication service, as an example but not as a restriction.

Publish, post, upload, distribute, or disseminate any topic, name, content, or information that is improper, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, or illegal.

Upload software or other content protected by intellectual property laws (or by privacy or publicity rights) unless you own or control the rights to it or have obtained all necessary consents.

Upload files that include viruses, damaged files, or other similar software or programmes that might harm another’s computer’s functionality.

Unless the communication service explicitly authorises such messages, you may not advertise or offer to sell or acquire any products or services for any commercial reason.

Organize or distribute surveys, competitions, pyramid scams, or chain letters.

You can download any file that another user of a communication service has posted that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be lawfully transmitted in this way.

Any author attributions, legal or other proper notices, or proprietary designations or labels indicating the origin or source of software or other content contained in an uploaded file may be falsified or deleted.

Prohibit or limit the use and enjoyment of communication services by any other user.

Any code of conduct or other restrictions that may apply to any communication service are violated.

To harvest or otherwise acquire information about people, including e-mail addresses, without their consent.

Utilization of communication services

You represent and warrant that the information you provide is correct and full. We have the right to check the information you have given and to reject service without explanation.

You may only use authorised methods to access the service. You must double-check that the programme you download is compatible with your device. If you do not have a suitable mobile device or download the incorrect version of the programme for your mobile device, we are not responsible. If you use the service or application with an incompatible or unauthorised device, we retain the right to discontinue the service and your usage of the application.

You warrant to us that you will not use the Services for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices as a condition of your use of the Services. You may not use the Services in any way that might damage, disable, overburden, impair the Services, or interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Services by any other person. You may not access or attempt to gain access to any materials or information using the services that are not specifically made available or provided for by the services. You agree to use the services or download the programme solely for your personal use and will not resell it to anyone else. You will keep secure and confidential your account password or any identification we provide you which allows access to the Service.

If you do not follow any of the above restrictions, Hobart Taxi Cabs maintains the right to immediately cancel your services and usage of the programme.

Infringe on any relevant laws or regulations

The communication services do not need to be monitored by Hobart Taxi Cabs. However, Hobart Taxi Cabs maintains the right, in its sole discretion, to examine content uploaded to a communication service and to delete any materials. For whatever reason, Hobart Taxi Cabs maintains the right to discontinue your access to any or all of the communication services at any time without notice.

Hobart Taxi Cabs maintains the right to disclose any information as necessary to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request; or, in its sole discretion, to edit, refuse to post, or delete any information or materials, in whole or in part.

When sending out any personally identifiable information about yourself or your children on any communication site, always exercise caution. Hobart Taxi Cabs has no control over or endorsement of the content, messages, or information found in any communication service, and as a result, Hobart Taxi Cabs expressly disclaims any and all liability for the communication services and any actions taken as a result of your participation in any communication service. Managers and hosts are not authorised representatives of Hobart Taxi Cabs, and their opinions do not always reflect those of the company.

Materials uploaded to a communication service may have usage, reproduction, and/or distribution restrictions. If you download the contents, you are responsible for adhering to these restrictions.

Term and termination

The contract between us and you is for an extended period of time.

You have the right to cancel the agreement at any time by permanently deleting the app from your phone or closing your user account, thus prohibiting usage of the app and service.

If you violate or breach any condition of these terms and conditions, or in our opinion, misuse the service, we reserve the right to cancel the agreement with immediate effect (by blocking your use of the application and the service). We are not required to offer advanced notice of the agreement’s termination. We shall notify you of the termination in line with these terms and conditions.

Materials supplied to Hobart Taxi Cabss or made available on the website

Hobart Taxi Cabs makes no claim to the contents you send to Hobart Taxi Cabs (including feedback and recommendations) or that you publish, upload, input, or submit to any website or its connected services (collectively “Submissions”). By posting, uploading, inputting, providing, or submitting your submission, you are granting Hobart Taxi Cabs, its affiliated companies, and necessary sub licensees permission to use your submission in connection with the operation of their Internet businesses, including, without limitation, the rights to copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, reformat, and publish your name in connection with your submission.

There will be no monetary remuneration for the use of your submission as described below. Hobart Taxi Cabs is under no obligation to post or use any submission you may make, and it reserves the right to delete any submission at any time.

By posting, uploading, inputting, providing, or submitting your submission, you declare and represent that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to your submission as specified in this section, including all rights required for you to supply, post, upload, input, or submit the submission.

This information is exclusively for personal, non-commercial use.

You agree that any information supplied to you by Hobart Taxi Cabs in connection with the services is only for your personal use and may not be sold, redistributed, or used for any commercial purpose (this includes but is not limited to the use of advertiser contact details for unsolicited commercial correspondence). You may download material from our services for personal, non-commercial use only if all copyright and other proprietary notices are preserved. Any material from our services, including code and software, may not be modified, copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any manner. You must not use our services for any illegal or forbidden purpose as set out in these terms of service.

Except with our prior written consent, you may not use data mining, robots, screen scraping, or other data gathering and extraction tools on our services for the purposes of establishing, maintaining, advancing, or reproducing information contained on our services on your own website, application, or in any other publication.


You agree that Hobart Taxi Cabs may collect and use your personal information, technical data, and related information—including but not limited to technical information about your device, system, and application software and peripherals—that is gathered on a regular basis to facilitate the provision of software updates, product support, and other services related to the Services to you (if any) and to administer those Services. We may also use your information to create new goods and services, respond to your inquiries, solicit feedback, or notify you about other products and services offered by Hobart Taxi Cabs and its affiliates. We may use this information to develop our products or deliver services or technologies to you if it is in a manner that does not individually identify you.

We shall not use or disclose personal information about you for any reason other than the primary reason for gathering (the secondary purpose) unless:

Both of the following apply:

The secondary purpose is linked to the primary reason for collecting and, if the personal data is sensitive data, is directly tied to it.

If the person has a reasonable expectation that Hobart Taxi Cabs would use or disclose the information for a secondary purpose,

The individual has consented to the use or dissemination of his or her information.

If the information is not sensitive and is being used for the secondary purpose of direct marketing, it is acceptable.

Hobart Taxi Cabs will not be able to get the individual’s agreement prior to that specific usage since it is unfeasible.

Hobart Taxi Cabs will not charge the individual for implementing the individual’s request not to receive direct marketing messages from Hobart Taxi Cabs.

Hobart Taxi Cabs has not received a request from the individual to not receive direct marketing emails.

Hobart Taxi Cabs brings the individual’s attention to, or prominently displays a notice in each direct marketing contact with him or her, that he or she may express a desire not to receive any more direct marketing communications;

Each written direct marketing communication by Hobart Taxi Cabs with the individual (up to and including the communication that involves the use) includes Hobart Taxi Cabs’s business address and telephone number, as well as a number or address at which Hobart Taxi Cabs can be directly contacted electronically if the communication with the individual is made by fax, telex, or other electronic means.

The foregoing applies to personal data obtained by Hobart Taxi Cabs from a linked body corporate as if Hobart Taxi Cabs’s major reason for collecting the data was the same as the primary purpose for which the related body corporate collected the data.

The complete Hobart Taxi Cabs privacy policy can be found at the Hobart Taxi Cabs website.

Disclaimer of Liability

There may be inaccuracies or typographical mistakes in the information, software, goods, and services included in or available via the services. The information is updated on a regular basis. Hobart Taxi Cabs and/or its suppliers reserve the right to make modifications and/or enhancements to the services at any time. Advice obtained through the services should not be used to make personal, medical, legal, or financial choices, and you should get particular advice tailored to your case from an authorised specialist.

Hobart Taxi Cabs and/or its suppliers make no warranties regarding the information, software, goods, services, and associated graphics contained in the services in terms of their appropriateness, reliability, availability, timeliness, or accuracy for any purpose. All such information, software, goods, services, and related graphics are supplied “as is” without warranty or condition of any kind, to the fullest extent permissible by applicable law. Any claims and conditions regarding this material, software, goods, services, and associated graphics are hereby disclaimed by Hobart Taxi Cabs and/or its suppliers, including all implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, title, and non-infringement.

Hobart Taxi Cabs and/or its suppliers shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, consequential, or other damages of any kind, including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in any way connected with the use or performance of the Services; the delay or inability to use the Services or related services; or the provision of or failure to provide services, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. The foregoing restriction may not apply to you because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of responsibility for consequential or incidental damages. Your single and exclusive remedy if you are unsatisfied with any aspect of the service or with any of these terms of service is to stop using the services.

Service contact:


You agree to indemnify and hold Hobart Taxi Cabs, its affiliates, its licensors, and each of their officers, directors, other users, employees, attorneys, and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including lawyer’s fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with your use of the Services, including but not limited to your violation of these terms and conditions.

Termination/restrictions on access

Hobart Taxi Cabs retains the right, at any time and without notice, to terminate your access to the Hobart Taxi Cabs Web Site and related services, or any part thereof.

GENERAL This agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia to the fullest extent permissible by law, and you hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in New South Wales, Australia in any matters arising out of or connected to the use of the Hobart Taxi Cabs Web Site.


Actual company and product names referenced in this article may be trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights in this material that are not expressly granted are reserved.


Unless otherwise stated, Hobart Taxi Cabs owns or has a licence to all copyright in all information and other materials on our services (including the arrangement of information). All intellectual property rights are reserved.

Without the express written authorization of Hobart Taxi Cabs, nothing on this site should be considered as conferring any licence or right of use of any trade mark shown on the site.

Legal Framework

The laws of Australia govern these terms and conditions as well as any issues that may arise in connection with them and/or the use of the services.


If there is a fare disagreement, the trip must be validated in the booking dispatch system; otherwise, the consumer will receive a refund.

If a question about a fare disagreement occurs, whoever is charging on their EFTPOS terminal is obligated to return the fare

Access the dispatch system.

While driving, all drivers must log in and display their network ID in the vehicle.

Hobart Taxi Cabs requires that all drivers be registered. The operator must ensure that this occurs.

Contact information

Within seven days of the modification, all operators and drivers must update their contact information.

A Brief About Us

Hobart Taxi Cabs is built on the principle of a client focused business that demands that chauffeurs provide a personalized and professional catered experience. Hobart Taxi Cabs is open and fully operational with computer assisted radio dispatch 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week, and 365 days a year....

Get in Touch
  Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
  0435 869 154
Copyright © 2024 Hobart Taxi Cabs. All rights reserved.