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Privacy Policy

According to the Privacy Act 1988, as modified by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, Hobart Taxi Cabs is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles. Our Privacy Statement explains how Hobart Taxi Cabs complies with the Australian Privacy Principles in protecting the privacy of any of your personal information.

Information About a Person

A recognised person or a person who is reasonably identifiable is the subject of “Personal Information,” which includes information or an opinion, whether true or false, and whether or not it is recorded in a tangible form.

What kinds of personal data do we gather and store?

Depending on how we connect with a person, we may get different kinds of personal information about them. We may gather personal data such as, but not restricted to, the following:

  • Name
  • Age and/or birth date
  • Contact information, including phone numbers (landline and/or mobile).
  • Previous and current addresses (including postal address)
  • Email address
  • Gender
  • Identification details, such as a driver’s licence number and other details
  • Taxi registration number, taxi plate number, and taxi operator certification details are examples of certification information.
  • Our products, including payment terminals, gather trip information (such as start and finish locations and fees).
  • Payment information, such as the particulars of your bank account, debit card, or credit card.
  • Information about Medicare, including a unique reference number
  • Include facts about your job and employment, including your current employment situation and any prior employment.
  • If you apply for a job with us, we may collect information from or related to your resume or job application.
  • Emergency contact details
  • Geographical location
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Credit history
  • Commerce testimonials, credit testimonials, or third-party reports.
  • Credit information
  • Disciplinary history, history of additional offences, and criminal record
  • Passport and visa detail
  • Photos of you or images of you captured on camera.
  • Data from profiles and accounts on social media.

We gather and keep track of personal data about people, including:

  • Customers, potential clients, and their representatives
  • Our stockholders and investors
  • Our vendors and potential vendors, as well as their directors, partners, owners, and shareholders
  • Concerning the delivery of products and services to us by contractors, subcontractors, and their agents.
  • Data pertaining to data on journeys taken when recorded into our products, such as dispatch equipment and payment terminals, by drivers and vehicle operators
  • Others who could make use of our goods and services (for example, individuals who have digital passes provided to them by their employer or someone they know).
  • Past and existing employees, as well as potential candidates
  • As well as everyone else who interacts with Hobart Taxi Cabs

By virtue of the Income Tax Assessment Act of 1936, we are permitted to collect tax file numbers (TFNs) (Cth). Although it is not required, if you choose not to supply your TFN for our goods and services, tax law may require further deductions to be made from the amounts owed to you.

When and how do we get personal data?

Your personal information is collected to enable us to carry out organisational and business tasks, to supply, promote, and sell our goods and services, as well as for the specific objectives listed in paragraph 6. In some instances, the law may call for the acquisition of personal data.

In the process of offering you products or services, we may gather your personal information, or:

  • when you make a reservation (online, by email, through our mobile application, or by calling our contact center).
  • When an outside entity acquires goods or services on your behalf
  • When you propose to provide us with products or services, or when you do so,
  • When you provide us with any sort of information (such as by filling out a form, speaking with us on the phone, sending us a business card, or communicating with us through email, fax, or post),
  • We get data about the trips made when you are operating a car and logged into one of our payment terminals (including fare details).
  • When you inquire about our company, our offerings, or our services.
  • When you give us comments,
  • When you use our website or fill out a form,
  • When you sign up for or use a subscription plan on our website or through one of our mobile applications, we may use this information to make it possible for us to get in touch with you regarding your account.
  • When you get to the location where we are located,
  • When you otherwise attempt to negotiate a deal with us (e.g., a plate owner management agreement, a vehicle lease, a short-term loan, and an insurance loan),
  • We create papers for you regarding insurance and funds for insurance premiums.
  • When you apply for a job with us,
  • When you, as a passenger, make a lost property request to us, we will use your information to process the request.
  • whether you contact us in any other way, such as via phone, fax, email, social media, mail, or in person.
  • Whenever we are otherwise compelled or permitted to do so by law,

Whenever appropriate and practical, we acquire personal information directly from the relevant individual while delivering our goods and services, interacting with our staff, or working with our service providers, suppliers, or contractors.

We may also get personal data about you from other sources, including public records and other parties, including:

  • provider of our share registry services.
  • Please speak with your taxi operator if you are a driver.
  • Publicly accessible information sources
  • A Hobart Taxi Cabs-affiliated company, organization, or business
  • if mandated by governing agencies.
  • government agencies and data sources like Service NSW and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Vevo Check) (Driving Records).
  • additional sources of commercial credit, or
  • Organizations that provide credit reports and data on business creditworthiness, But in general, we will only do this if it would be impossible or impractical to get your information directly from you or if we have another legal justification.


Only the personal data required for Hobart Taxi Cabs’s business operations will be gathered. Hobart Taxi Cabs will only gather this information in a reasonable amount of time and using legitimate, ethical methods.

Hobart Taxi Cabs will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the individual is aware of the following: At or before the time (or, if that is not practical, as soon as feasible after), Hobart Taxi Cabs acquires personal information about an individual from the individual.

  • The name of the organisation and contact information; and
  • The information’s accessibility to him or her; and
  • The objectives for which the data is gathered are:
  • The companies (or categories of companies) to which Hobart Taxi Cabs typically divulges information of such nature are:
  • any legislation requiring the collection of specific data;
  • The main consequences (if any) for the person if all or some of the information is withheld

Hobart Taxi Cabs will only get personal information about a person from that person, if it is reasonable and practical to do so. If Hobart Taxi Cabs obtains personal information about a person from another source, it will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the person is aware of the aforementioned issues or has been informed of them, unless doing so would seriously endanger the person’s life or health.

Information gathered through our websites and apps

We and our third-party service providers that help us run our applications or websites, including but not limited to those, may acquire personal information from you.

Reason for Information

Hobart Taxi Cabs will gather and use your personal data to manage and offer you its services. Additionally, Hobart Taxi Cabs may use your information to create new goods and services, respond to your inquiries, get your opinion, or notify you about additional products and services that Hobart Taxi Cabs and its affiliated businesses provide. Additionally, Hobart Taxi Cabs can require personal information for compliance with the law (for example, anti-money laundering legislation).

Employer & Disclosure

In contrast to the primary reason for collecting, Hobart Taxi Cabs will not use or divulge personal data about a person for a secondary reason unless:

both of the following apply:

  • If the personal information being collected includes sensitive information, the secondary purpose is also intimately tied to the primary reason for collection.
  • A reasonable expectation on the part of the individual would be for Hobart Taxi Cabs to use or disclose the information for the secondary purpose.
  • The person has given permission for the usage or dissemination.
  • When using information for direct marketing as a secondary goal and the information is not sensitive,
  • Hobart Taxi Cabs cannot reasonably get the person’s agreement for that specific usage.
  • In order to honour the person’s request to Hobart Taxi Cabs not to receive direct marketing messages, Hobart Taxi Cabs will not charge the person.
  • The person has not asked Hobart Taxi Cabs to stop sending them direct marketing materials.
  • Each time Hobart Taxi Cabs sends a direct marketing message to a person, it makes a point of mentioning or prominently displaying the option for the person to opt out of receiving future communications.
  • The business address, phone number, and, if the communication with the individual is made by fax, telex, or other electronic means, a number or address at which Hobart Taxi Cabs can be directly contacted electronically, are included in every written direct marketing communication that Hobart Taxi Cabs sends to the individual (up to and including the communication that involves the use).
  • If the data is health-related and its use or disclosure is required for research, the compilation or analysis of statistics important to the general welfare or safety of the public,
  • Hobart Taxi Cabs cannot reasonably get the person’s permission before using or disclosing their information.
  • For the purposes of this subparagraph, the use or disclosure is carried out in conformity with rules authorised by the Commissioner under section 95A.
  • Hobart Taxi Cabs has a good faith belief that the recipient of the health information won’t divulge the health information or any personal information obtained from it in the event of disclosure.

The use or disclosure, in Hobart Taxi Cabs’s reasonable opinion, is required to diminish or prevent

  • A grave and immediate risk to one’s health, safety, or life.
  • A significant risk to public health or safety.

Hobart Taxi Cabs uses or discloses the personal information as required for its investigation of the situation or in informing the appropriate parties or authorities of its concerns where it has cause to think that unlawful activity has been, is being, or may be engaged in.

The use or disclosure is mandated by, permitted by, or required by law.

Hobart Taxi Cabs really believes that one or more of the following purposes by or on behalf of an enforcement authority justifies the use or disclosure.

  • The avoidance, discovery, investigation, prosecution, or punishment of criminal offences; violations of laws that carry a penalty or other sanctions; or violations of rules of law.
  • Application of legislation for the seizure of criminal profits
  • The preservation of public funds.
  • The avoidance of significantly incorrect behaviour or required behaviour, as well as its identification, inquiry, and correction, is key.
  • The execution of a court or tribunal’s orders; the preparation for or conduct of proceedings before any court or tribunal.
  • Hobart Taxi Cabs must provide written notice of any uses or disclosures of personal information made according to clause (h). The aforementioned applies to any personal data that Hobart Taxi Cabs has obtained from a connected body corporate, as if Hobart Taxi Cabs’s principal reason for collecting the data were also the main reason why the connected body corporate gathered the data.

Information Type

Only personal information pertinent to your business connection with Hobart Taxi Cabs will be requested. When you apply for Hobart Taxi Cabs, Hobart Taxi Cabs could ask for information about your identity as well as your financial situation and past. Personal data about a person will often be obtained directly from that person, whenever possible. Utilizing Hobart Taxi Cabs application forms is the primary method through which Hobart Taxi Cabs gathers personal data.

Data Reliability

Hobart Taxi Cabs will take reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information it collects, uses, or discloses is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

Data Protection

Hobart Taxi Cabs shall make commercially reasonable efforts to prevent unauthorised access, improper use, loss, alteration, or disclosure of the personal information it maintains.

In the event that personal information is no longer required for any purpose for which it may be used or shared in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles, Hobart Taxi Cabs will make reasonable efforts to delete it or render it permanently de-identifiable.


In general, Hobart Taxi Cabs will take reasonable measures to respond to a person’s request for information about the types of personal information it maintains, the reasons behind those uses, and the methods by which it gathers, stores, manages, and discloses such information.

Availability & Correction

1. When a person requests access to any personal information that Hobart Taxi Cabs may have on them, it will provide them access to such information, with the following exceptions:

2. Any individual’s life or health would be seriously and immediately in danger if access to personal information—other than health information—was granted;

3. When it comes to health information, granting access would seriously jeopardise the lives or health of any person and have an unreasonable influence on other people’s privacy;

4. Access would reveal Hobart Taxi Cabs’s intentions regarding negotiations with the individual in a way that would be detrimental to those negotiations; the request for access is frivolous or vexatious; the information relates to ongoing or anticipated legal proceedings between Hobart Taxi Cabs and the individual; and the information would not be discoverable through those proceedings.

5. Granting access would be legal; granting access would violate the law; granting access would certainly jeopardise an inquiry into potential illegal activities;

6. Providing access would be likely to prejudice:
the prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution, or punishment of criminal offenses, breaches of a law imposing a penalty or sanction or breaches of a prescribed law;
the enforcement of laws relating to the confiscation of the proceeds of crime;
the protection of the public revenue;
the prevention, detection, investigation, or remedying of seriously improper conduct or prescribed conduct;
the preparation for, or conduct of, proceedings before any court or tribunal, or implementation of its orders;
by or on behalf of an enforcement body; or
an enforcement body performing a lawful security function asks Hobart Taxi Cabs not to provide access to the information on the basis that providing access would be likely to cause damage to the security of Australia.

7. But instead of giving the person direct access to the material in cases where doing so would expose evaluative data collected by Hobart Taxi Cabs in connection with a commercially sensitive decision-making process, Hobart Taxi Cabs may instead explain the commercially sensitive choice to them.

8. If one or more of the aforementioned clauses prevents Hobart Taxi Cabs from giving the person access to the information, Hobart Taxi Cabs must, if reasonable, take into account whether using mutually agreed-upon intermediaries will enable enough access to satisfy the interests of both parties.

9. If Hobart Taxi Cabs charges for access to personal information, the fees would be as follows:

10. It can not be overdone, and

11. must not be used when submitting an access request.

12. If a person can prove that Hobart Taxi Cabs is in possession of personal information about them and that information is not accurate, full, or up to date, Hobart Taxi Cabs will make a reasonable effort to make the necessary corrections. Hobart Taxi Cabs will take reasonable measures to comply with the request of the individual to associate with the information a statement asserting that it is not true, complete, or up-to-date if the individual and Hobart Taxi Cabs disagree about whether the information is accurate, complete, and current. If personal information is not corrected or access is denied, Hobart Taxi Cabs will explain why.


  • Hobart Taxi Cabs will not use an individual’s assigned by another party identify as its own identifier.
  • A business; or
  • a representative acting on behalf of a company;
  • is a company that has a contract to supply services under the Commonwealth contract and is carrying out its obligations under that contract in that capacity.
  • The aforementioned, however, does not apply when a prescribed organisation adopts a prescription identification in a specified situation. Identification won’t be used or disclosed byHobart Taxi Cabs.
  • Assigned to a person by an organisation, or by the aforementioned agent or contracted service provider, unless:
  • If the organisation needs to use or disclose the information to carry out its duties to the agency,
  • The use or disclosure is subject to one or more of heading 3’s paragraphs (inclusive of numbers e to h); or
  • A specified organisation must use or disclose a prescribed identification under a given set of conditions.


Individuals will have the choice to remain anonymous while transacting with Hobart Taxi Cabs wherever it is legal and practical to do so.

International Data Flows

  • Hobart Taxi Cabs is unlikely to provide personal information to receivers in other countries. Hobart Taxi Cabs is only permitted to give someone in another country access to a person’s personal information if the following conditions are met:
  • Hobart Taxi Cabs has a reasonable basis to believe that the receiver of the information is governed by a law, binding agreement, or contract that respects standards for fair treatment of the information that are very comparable to the Australian Privacy Principles; or
  • Either the person agrees to the transfer;
  • The transfer is required to carry out a contract between the person and Hobart Taxi Cabs, to carry out pre-contractual actions that were done in response to the person’s request, or both.
  • The transfer is required in order for Hobart Taxi Cabs and a third party to enter into or carry out a contract that was made in that person’s best interest; or
  • The following are all true:
  • The person is the recipient of the transfer;
  • Obtaining the individual’s consent to that transfer is impractical.
  • The person would probably offer such consent if it were possible to do so.
  • Hobart Taxi Cabs has taken all necessary precautions to make sure that the information it has sent won’t be stored, processed, or disclosed by the receiver in a manner that is inconsistent with the Australian Privacy Principles.

In this clause, “identifier” refers to a number that an organisation gives to a person in order to uniquely identify that person for the functioning of that organisation. The name or ABN of a person is not an “identifier,” though.

Important Information

Hobart Taxi Cabs won’t gather private information about someone unless:

  • The person has given their approval; or
  • The legislation mandates the collection; or

The information must be gathered in the event that there is a substantial and immediate risk to the person’s life or health, and the person is:

  • is unable to consent to the collection due to physical or legal limitations; or
  • cannot express agreement to the collection physically.


You could get in touch with Hobart Taxi Cabs and file a complaint if you think that the company has not met its responsibilities regarding your personal information. In compliance with the Privacy Act of 1988 and similar laws, Hobart Taxi Cabs will look into your complaint and make an effort to address any breach that may have happened in regard to the collection, use, or deletion of your personal information held by Hobart Taxi Cabs.

If the investigation’s conclusion does not satisfy you, you can file an external privacy complaint by calling the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at 02 9191 7415.

A Brief About Us

Hobart Taxi Cabs is built on the principle of a client focused business that demands that chauffeurs provide a personalized and professional catered experience. Hobart Taxi Cabs is open and fully operational with computer assisted radio dispatch 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week, and 365 days a year....

Get in Touch
  Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
  0435 869 154
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